King George IV built the Royal Pavilion because he liked to play at the beach, basically. We took the tour, but no pictures of the interior allowed. It was cool, though.
The man himself, George IV.
Waaaay at the end are bumper cars, my favorite! Totally worth the 3 pounds.
I love that we were able to go to the beach and see the Channel.
Yummmm, jellied eels. No, thank you.
It was windy.
Really windy.
The railing was so pretty and the cliffs in the background so gently rolling. I could have stayed there for hours.
Gosh, too bad we didn't have time to experience the fish pedicure. Maybe next time.
I like seagulls. This one was well-behaved, but I'm a bit leery of the red dot on its beak. There were signs all over warning against feeding the birds because they become aggressive. Maybe the red dot is some hapless tourist's blood.
See, I like seagulls. And rock beaches.
I'd always heard and read that Channel was rough, but I was not expecting this! It was so powerful.
Lee was determined to touch her feet to the Channel, but it took some creativity. See, you can't tell, but she actually had to climb down a bit of a slippery rock cliff to get close to the water. And once she got close enough, I started to worry that she'd get sucked out to sea. Silly, now that I think about it, but I was really concerned!
After Brighton, we raced the setting sun to reach the Seven Sisters Cliffs before the light faded. We made it! I loved this spot. There were only a handful of other people there, so it was peaceful and quiet. Aside from the crashing waves, of course.
I have an almost identical picture to this of me on the beach in Nice, France, from my very first trip overseas in high school.
Pretty cliffs. Hey, did you know that a scene from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves was filmed here? The part where Robin & Azeem land back in England and Robin rolls on the ground yelling "I'm home!!" I did not re-enact this scene. Too cold.
Yeeeaaaah, it was a late night. Our route home was somewhat meandering, but the villages and towns were pretty. Then it got dark and we passed the road we should have taken. Minor details.